Whiz Kids Therapy can deliver group therapy sessions at your school or child-care centre. Whiz Kids delivers group therapy for:
- Early Language Development
- Later Language Development
- Reading and Spelling
- Early Literacy Skills
- Later Literacy Skills
- Text Development
Typically groups are run for 1-hour weekly, for between 4-6 participants, over 8-10 weeks, and cost $40 per participant.
All children are assessed individually for their competencies for the particular skill being targeted in the groups, and reports are provided to parents, teachers and other health professionals, pre and post interventions.
Whiz Kids Therapy has some fantastic group work options in phonics, literacy and oral language development for you to peruse, and can also design group content dependent on your objectives.
Whiz Kids can also run groups based on the Sounds~Write (Synthetic Phonics Program) and Talk 4 Writing (Language, Literacy and Text Development Program) models.
Talk to Whiz Kids today about implementing Group Therapy at your school for struggling talkers, listeners, spellers, readers, and writers. We can offer Group Therapy during and after school hours.