Worried about your child’s language development?
Does your child have difficulties expressing themselves, or are you worried that your child is late to talking? For example, they may:
- Be 2 years old or more and not have at least 50-100 words,
- Struggle to find the words for objects and actions,
- Have reduced sentence length for their age,
- Have difficulty narrating stories or explaining what they did that day, or
- Use grammatical markers incorrectly eg he for she.
Or does your child have difficulties with understanding what other people mean? For example, they may:
- Answer questions inappropriately or out of turn,
- Struggle with knowing when it is their turn in conversation, or
- Have difficulty following directions?
If you are concerned about your child’s receptive (understanding and comprehending the communication of others) or expressive language (talking), a Whiz Kids Speech Pathologist can come to your home, school or child-care centre and assess your child’s communication skills and let you know whether there is a language delay or disorder, and what you can do about it. Based on our assessment a speech pathologist will work with your child, family and education providers to improve your child’s language skills.
If you require some guidance to consider whether your child is having expressive or receptive language difficulties, give Whiz Kids a call to discuss your concerns. This site http://www.asha.org/public/speech/development/ is an excellent resource for information about children’s language development.
For more information on pricing and rebates Click Here.
Next Steps…
If your child needs speech pathology assessment or intervention, give Whiz Kids Therapy a call to discuss your child’s needs. We deliver speech pathology services in your child’s home, school or child-care centre in Perth, WA.