Articulation Therapy

If your child has difficulties being understood by others because of the clarity of their speech, Whiz Kids can provide speech therapy that meets your child’s needs. Speech difficulties can arise from various causes, so getting speech therapy that targets the reason why your child is having issues is important.

As a general guide you should seek speech therapy if your child has not met the following milestones:

How well words can be understood by parents?
By 18 months a child’s speech is normally 25% intelligible
By 24 months a child’s speech is normally 50 -75% intelligible
By 36 months a child’s speech is normally 75-100% intelligible

Lynch, Brookshire & Fox (1980), p. 102, cited in Bowen (1998). Retrieved from on 4 April, 2017.

Speech therapy intervention for speech clarity is important because difficulties speaking can interfere with later literacy development (if you have difficulties saying it, you will likely have difficulties spelling it). Lack of speech clarity can be incredibly isolating and frustrating for young children, and can interfere with the development of social and language skills, as well as positive self-esteem.

We have experience with speech sound disorders that are phonological, phonetic or a mixture of both. We also have experience assisting children that present with Childhood Apraxia of Speech.

Our speech therapists have experience in a variety of treatment techniques, and have also been PROMPT trained.

For more information on pricing and rebates Click Here.

Next Steps…

If your child needs speech pathology assessment or intervention, give Whiz Kids a call to discuss your child’s needs. We deliver speech pathology services in your child’s home, school or child-care centre in Perth, Western Australia.